Emergency Bridge Replacement Package 2020-1, Design-Build

Anderson and York Counties, SC

Aulick Engineering provided hydraulic and hydrological design services and the associated roadway and drainage work for two emergency design-build bridge replacement projects – S-174 over Six & Twenty Creek (Anderson County) and S-816 over Mud Creek (York County). 

Aulick performed bridge hydraulic analysis, scour analysis, and erosion control services per SCDOT requirements. Due to the size of each project and the minimal impervious area added, a detention waiver was submitted to SCDHEC. Since both bridges fell within FEMA Regulated Zone AEs without floodways, Aulick analyzed the impacts of replacing the bridges per FEMA requirements. The analysis included reviewing the storm events that occurred in February and May 2020 that led to the failure of the S-174 bridge. A scour analysis was completed utilizing HEC-18 and the SC Bridge-Scour Envelope Curves. The hydraulic studies were submitted to SCDOT for review and were approved.

Due to the structural failure of the two bridges, they had to be replaced in 215 days. Within three (3) weeks of Notice to Proceed (NTP), the design team successfully developed RFC drawings for the S-816 bridge and a final plan package for S-174. A General Permit was obtained in less than two (2) weeks from NTP.





Anderson and York Counties, SC




  • Hydrology/Hydraulic Design Lead
  • FEMA Analysis
  • Scour Analysis
  • Sediment and Erosion Control Design


ACEC-SC 2019 Engineering Excellence Award